Hi there,
If you end up here it means that you’d like to submit a guest post for potential publication. That’s great!
To be successful in submission there is few points to follow, please read carefully:
I don’t accept posts from random and not relevant companies looking to get links to a product or service. Sorry.
I think that airbrushdoc audience has advanced knowledge. That means I can’t accept posts on beginner info that’s been said million times already.
Please don’t email me to ask to accept your guest posts, I will accept all good and useful posts that deserve it. Thanks!
Still with me? Awesome.
I’m sure you are a really nice person with something smart to say and have a good idea on what to write. If it’s true, please read this page. It provides information that will help your post to get accepted.
Your Post Should be Well Written
My audience relies on me to deliver only the best. (I hope that one day I may say that having post approved on my web is a stamp of prestige!)
Here are some tips to help:
Demonstrate good command of language, grammar, punctuation, clarity, style and tone. Run your content through spell check, and try to catch all the typos. I will anyway reserve a privilege to make additional changes to the article. I understand that there may be some not native English speaker and if I really like the info provided your post might be edited for quality and clarity. Don’t be offended; it’s normal. You’ll have ample opportunity to approve our edits before publication.
Edit your post well, and rewrite it a few times. It’s a good idea to set your post aside for a day or two and come back to it with fresh eyes.
Use an outline, and structure your post well. Sub-headers and bullet points or strong impact statements help your content stay on track.
Have a well-rounded wrap-up. A good conclusion is one of the most neglected areas of guest posts. Please end yours with a good bang that encourages conversation and commentary.
Post Should Be Relevant
Our blog covers topics on airbrushing, airbrush artists, airbrush tips and tricks, how-to(s), making stencils and other airbrush relevant topics, so we post airbrush articles only. If you airbrush awesome or perhaps something unusual and want to submit your gallery please add some biography (i.e. how you started airbrushing, when, what tools you use, some achievements or recommendations for beginners… not just images).
Don’t ask to post on cosmetics products or anything else not relevant to airbrush. The answer is NO. I need to underline it one more time – We publish AIRBRUSH ARTICLES ONLY!!!
Post Should be Useful
Our readers appreciate interesting, useful, practical, helpful information that brings them significant benefits. Be an expert and educate, teach and give strategies to help them to improve their skills.
Noticed a common problem you know how to solve? Are there tips, tricks and tactics that have improved your skills or business?
Post Should Be Unique
I expect content on topics that is different, fresh, or that takes a new angle on old topics.
Be creative. Present it in a new or different way that gets people paying attention. Be original and unique. Go through this blog to find out what I haven’t covered yet – beat me to the punch.
Challenge me – and challenge my readers with a fresh idea. Be interesting. Tell a story, use a great metaphor, or write some thought-provoking material.
Extra-Helpful Basics
You can also add links to videos that may be embedded in the post but I will appreciate if the video will be yours. If you link to someone else, the video should be published with creative common license (YouTube videos with Standard YouTube License will not be accepted)
About Author Box. Please include an author bio with your guest post, and make it fun and interesting. (You can include a link to your site, because if you’ve read this far, we’re pretty sure you’re not some random shady company. It is smart to include a link or two to a relevant post on our blog within your post (I reserve the rights to do that myself in some cases). You may also link out to other relevant posts on the Internet if you’d like. Don’t forget to mention your email if you want me to let you know about post acceptance and also tell me if you want that email mentioned in about author box. I’ll be happy if you provide some avatar to include in the same box.
Affiliate links are not permitted. Any post with affiliate link (link that makes you money) will not be accepted or the link will be deleted.
We may take care of finding a nice photo to match to your post if you don’t send one in.
Please credit all sources, assets and use common sense.
Your post must be original work that hasn’t been offered or published elsewhere.
A guest post is a gift that you give away in exchange to gain a backlink or exposure. You may republish extracts – for example, on your own site, but the article in its entirety should not appear elsewhere.
Don’t worry, I’ll credit you as author.
Whoohoo – You Almost Made It! What’s Next?
Go ahead and write your article into office word processor of your choice and sent it through my contact page or with your favorite email manager to info@airbrushdoc.com. I understand that Word will give you more freedom and you can also insert images the way you would like it to be in your post.
I’m very busy person so please be patient. It may take days or weeks before I can confirm acceptance for publication.
Rules to follow:
- Post should be at least 300 words long – no maximum (If you aren’t sure what your word count is, the Word Count Tool is handy: http://wordcounttool.net/)
- Include at least one image (you can send the images in attachment of email or insert a link to image inside the post body)
- Have your images properly named with numbers (If you write a Tutorial on topic X, name images Tutorial-X-1.jpg, Tutorial-X-2.jpg, … )
- Inside the body then specify where do you want that image positioned (if you are using notepad and can’t insert images directly then write name of the image on the relevant place in format “Tutorial-X-2.jpg“)
- If you need a back link with specific keyword for your site, insert it in this format
<a title=”keyword” href=”yourlink”>keyword</a>
Thank you.