Mad Airbrush Art by Nikolay Kozlov

For long time I had no airbrush gallery posted on my blog and I wanted to share some good gallery. I think the last one was about airbrushed venetian blinds from Douglass Asselstine. From time to time I visit sites in the same niche “airbrush“. You may have noticed in my previous articles I have mentioned site unrealtech and I think they deserve to be mentioned. There is many artist from post-USSR, even though USSR no longer exists people find their ways to stick together (God bless Internet). These artists are different from artists in USA, UK, …. I could go on and on. One day I planned to post airbrush art gallery and when I came to this website my eye caught an art-piece that was just AWESOME. Author was Nikolay Kozlov, airbrush artist from Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia). I didn’t hesitate for long and sent him an e-mail. I asked him if he wants to share his art work with all English speaking part of the word. He was happy to contribute.
Hyperrealistic art from Marcello Barenghi
Painting on Polymer Clay from Forest Rogers

I would love to welcome here everyone who is still following us and all who remember when we had an entry about painting on polymer clay. If you liked the recommendation from Megan then today’s entry is definitely for you. A few days back I got an email from Forest Rogers who actually works with polymer clay a lot. She did share some of her knowledge with me and I proposed to write another entry on this topic as I think as much information we share the more we know and then we get better and better.
Airbrush Infographic – a beginner’s guide to airbrushing

Hello all! Those of you who follows me from the start may remember that I had an article about airbrush guns and separatelly about airbrush paits and now when I got this airbrush infographic from Roger Usher who is behind it actually made it kind of easier to follow.
Airbrush Competition of Results

Hello All! The airbrush competition started by has ended and if you are wonder to see the result, please follow this link. I’m very happy that in category “PRO” the winner is my friend from Slovakia – Slavka Kerdova with the piece above. If you’d like to see the works submitted to the competition check it here. I am sorry for myself that I couldn’t find a bit of time to join this competition too.
Airbrush Competition – Slavic Gods and Demons

Hi everyone, this is just an announcement. I decided to let our readers know that Polish Airbrush Portal has started an international airbrush competition. To underline the fact, I have nothing to do with its organization and I am a bit ashamed of it. But I’m thinking of joining the competition and airbrushing something.
Silent DIY Air Compressor with Auto-Switch

I have posted an article about silent home-made airbrush compressor before. It was a free translation of article I have found at one of the resources from eastern Europe I use. Then I decided to build (diy air compressor) myself and since I have found few tips to make this compressor more comfortable to use with less maintenance effort.
Airbrush Art from Frank Gavere, MFA

Today I’m presenting to you an airbrush artist with not that usual airbrush painting techniques. Forget about skulls and fire for a moment, forget about getting realistic and dive into Contemporary Art. This is Frank Gavere, his airbrush art and also his story.