AS189 – Is My Compressor Faulty?

Some of you guys may remember that a fairly long time ago I published an air compressor review and at that time I could not predict that it would be probably the only compressor review on my website (at least for now).

Airbrush a Tiger on The Car Hood Without Any Stencil

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, this means that this animal has some power. But that’s just a fact that actually may be one of the reasons why people want them painted or maybe simply because it’s the most beautiful beast out there?

How to Polish Airbrush Needle?

Hi everyone! I’ve been working on some improvements for my needles lately. Well – not really improvements but let’s say maintenance. The thing is, even if you belong to group of people that never done such a thing as polishing the needles, behold! Trust me – one day you will have to do it anyway.

Airbrushing Closed Subwoofer Box for BMW E39

One day my brother got an idea that the sound in his car is missing something. That “something” was in low frequency range, so not thinking for too long he decided that he needs sub-woofer speaker box. As one of our friends has a hobby very closely related to building car audio he asked him to make something that will fit nicely into the trunk so he can have a nice sound.

How to Airbrush Black T Shirt (Hulk)

Do you have any experience or do you know how to airbrush on black t-shirt? Well, to create a real masterpiece on the black surface that it will look like it is coming out of that black is a real challenge. After reading the following tutorial I found out it is not an easy task, especially since I don’t have any experience with painting on t-shirts at all. If you’ve also never done anything like t-shirt or you’ve never painted a black t-shirt I think you may find this step by step guide very useful.

Airbrush Tutorial – Red on Red

After very popular airbrush tutorial from last time I’ve noticed that people interested in airbrushing like more then anything else tutorials which provide great information where they are actually able to learn new things. There are great tutorials out there on Internet (mostly videos) and sometimes it is almost impossible to find and follow all of them, that’s why I’m trying to share my finds with my audience.

Airbrush Tutorial – Scorpio

This is an awesome airbrushing guide from Russian airbrush artist Sergei Alexandrovich Antonov. He owns an airbrush studio in Moscow and same as many of us, he also loves to share his art methods and techniques with all people interested in airbrushing. I hope you’re going to enjoy and learn something new from this step by step tutorial, the result of which is breath-taking.

Airbrush Art from Marlon Navarro Duran

Hi guys! Today’s post goes into gallery category again. You could say “Another gallery?”, yes indeed but yet another great airbrush artist presenting his airbrush art right here and right now. When this guy sent me a picture of his version of famous Heath Ledger (Joker) from The Dark Knight movie I knew I have to share at least a few of his art works with you guys.