Airbrush Art from Alexey Sulkovskiy

For a long time we didn’t have any airbrush artist presenting his art gallery here. A few days back I stumbled on amazing airbrush art of Alexey Sulkovskiy and didn’t hesitate even for a minute to return an email to him. The response was exceptionally fast. Alexey agreed to share a short bio and his gallery with airbrushdoc audience. I’m speechless. Here’s a short article I’ve prepared with his cooperation.
J.W. Baker – Fantasy and Wildlife Art

Some time ago I got in touch with one very specific and great artist. His name is J W Baker. He represents one half of the artistic duo Wolf Song Studio. The other half is his wife Sandi Baker. J.W. has been painting all his life and believes that the purpose of art is communication. “I have been actively communicating throughout my life through my art. For me, art in whatever medium has always been my most effective means of communicating the inspirations and observations I believe worthy of commentary”. Art transcends the ambiguity of language – a single painting can speak volumes. Tweet This! To create his works he uses both Acrylics and Oils.
Airbrush Laptop Cover

I haven’t published any gallery on this blog for quite a long time and for this I feel terrible. Recently I’ve started writing a series about surface preparation and as a preview to my next part about preparing plastic surface I decided to show you what can be painted on things made of plastic and how cool it might look. The thinking didn’t take a long time before I’ve found a great candidate. As I found out from my little Internet research, one of the most popular surface to paint on in this area is laptop surface.
Airbrush Gallery AEROGRAF 2008. Again?

Well yes, again! Why? If you follow my site you know that I have posted a gallery from this Russian exhibition event for everyone who loves airbrush. Yes I’m posting the gallery again but this time there is more. More pictures, more angles, more details, better resolution and even some works that weren’t there before. The gallery may take a while to load as there is 360 images…
Airbrush Exhibition Gallery ‘104 images of pure inspiration’

An airbrush exhibition where no words are required. Another airbrush gallery because I didn’t have time to finish my article. I had some problems with my computer so I had to deal with that. But I want my readers to stay tuned to what they like probably the most “airbrushing” ;-). This gallery comes from east and it has been on my hard drive for a long long time…
Airbrush Gallery ‘286img’

Whilst I’m working on my next article I don’t want my readers to stay dry. That’s why I’m giving you another portion of airbrush gallery and I hope it will stimulate your imagination, just a bit, and maybe you will get some ideas for your next project.
Airbrushed Cars Gallery – Russia Again

Yes, this is airbrush gallery again. I think all of you may noticed that the last post has been posted a good while ago. I’ve planned to post another article about air compressors today but I’ve been busy last week, so instead of reading, check out some nice pictures of airbrushed cars from Russia.
Airbrushed Toilet Seats

As usual it’s gallery time and as usual the gallery is unusual :). I have found some pictures of airbrushed toilet seats and as it’s unusual to me why not to post it here. Maybe some of you will find it interesting…