Airbrush Video on Ducati Bike – eXstudio
OMG RUSSIA – presentation video
Hyperrealistic art from Marcello Barenghi
Federico Marrero Airbrush Art

Just a small quote from DEXTER at the start: She isn’t drawn to my darkness like Lila, or blind to it like Rita, and she doesn’t need it like Lumen. She accepts both sides of me; the whole Dexter. So why am I walking away from this? Because when some chemicals mix they combust and explode.
“How to Airbrush” from AirbrushTutor

This is a kind of short bio from one awesome guy. In the Internet spheres he is known as “Airbrush Tutor“. Why Tutor? His specialties are video tutorials for airbrush beginners. His videos are so cool that I decided to introduce him to all my readers as I don’t post much guides for airbrush techniques and this is probably something that this blog is missing. Video tutorials are one of the most popular forms of teaching airbrush, so I think we all will profit from subscribing to AirbrushTutor YouTube channel. So let’s read his story. I first got into airbrushing when I was just 16 years old – at a car show I saw that there was a course teaching airbrushing in Sydney (Australia). The artworks looked amazing and it interested me because I couldn’t understand how people could paint such perfect pictures?! I began learning.