DIY: Fixing Airbrush Nozzle Seal

Once I’ve had airbrush “Aurita 2.0” which worked just fine for me at the time. I’ve been using mostly acrylic paints and used to clean the airbrush with alcohol. Once, when I performed a deep cleaning I got a bit frightened as the trigger wouldn’t come back to its default position. I remember I spent big time getting that trigger working but unfortunately in the mean time paint dried out somewhere on the needle. The pressure was so week I could not do anything with the airbrush. I’ve tried to clean it with alcohol however it didn’t help so I used white spirit. That was the moment when seal under the nozzle just melted. And the reason? – made in China :). After some thinking I’ve decided to fix it myself. Below are some instructions on how to replace the seal under the airbrush nozzle .