Choosing The Right Air Compressor

So here I am again with a second part of my series that I’ve started recently. First part was about airbrush guns, where I described all the types of airbrush guns that exist out there on the market and I’ve brought a few professional advises that I believe could help you to choose the right airbrush gun. But airbrushing can not be possible without the proper air source. The air has to be at certain pressure to allow us to work. Every gun has different demands on its properties, so it is really relevant which air compressor you will choose for your airbrush gun.

Badger Renegade Airbrush Review

I would place Badger Airbrush in top ten best airbrush brands of the world, well at least from what I’ve heard about this brand. But I have never tried or even seen one for real – until now. When I’ve got the opportunity I knew that another review in my “airbrush reviews” category will follow very soon. And I’m pleased that I got something like Badger Renegade line of quality airbrushes in my hands. Badger’s website informs us that this line is especially for “the proven elite artist“. So, let’s see if they are right. As I looked on the web I found some info about them and some reviews as well and one of them was from modeler who claimed, that “they are dead wrong and that these airbrushes are only for the modelers, no matter what skill level they at, but who wants a quality, double action airbrush and for reasonable price“.

How to Choose the Best Airbrush Gun?

Why do we have to choose the best airbrush gun? I think that many of my visitors were dealing with this question and if you have landed on this page then you probably have the same question too. Have you seriously been thinking of doing airbrush but didn’t buy any equipment yet? Well, I decided to start a series of articles that deal with beginner’s problems. “Which Airbrush gun to buy?” or “Which airbrush gun is the best?” Let’s say you are totally new to airbrushing, a newbie that loves art and loves to paint, knows how to use a pencil or a brush and one day someone has told you to try airbrush or maybe you have seen it somewhere and considered to give it a try. I’m sure that you have seen some videos about “how to airbrush” on the Internet already and finally you’ve decided – “Yes – I want to do Airbrush!”.