
Every time I look back I ask myself a question – Did I do well when I decided to start blogging about airbrush and was it worth anything?

Since I started this blog it has gone through many changes and has taught me a lot of thing and not only about blogging but about web development and mainly a lot about airbrush itself.

Almost two years ago I didn’t know that much I know today. I did not know which brand of airbrush is the best, which type could be the best, which colors should I use nor how to properly mix it, nor prepare the surface for my future creation and even that it needs any preparation.

So here is one question that comes up. How could I write about something I did not know much?

The thing is that I have done research for myself trying to find the best way to go, the best way how to fix something or create something. While looking for information I have read many books, airbrush forums, blogs and have contacted many people.

My advantage is that beside English I can speak most of Slavic languages what actually opened my horizons. Also I have run some surveys on my fan pages and in lines of my subscribers (my audience).

There are many of my fans that probably know more than I do and some of them have their subjective opinion on most of problems that airbrush beginners have.

I had 3 important questions that I wanted to know right from the start and I believe that many beginners do. So here is it .

  • Which Airbrush Brand is The Best?
  • Which Air Compressor to Use with That Airbrush?
  • What is The Right Color Brand for Airbrushing?

During my search I have used many different ways to find the right answers. I even tried to run pools in my blog sidebar or at the end of articles that were talking on particular topic.
After a year I noticed that whenever and wherever you run the survey or question pool the answer are almost similar and every time the leaders are the same. So I took everything down and made pie charts you can see below.

The Best Airbrush

The Best Airbrush Paint

As you can see I answered first and third question and these graphs should help you to decide what to buy. If you want to look at this problem more in detail then I recommend checking some of my articles where I was trying to find out the best airbrush and has reviewed some of very common choices.

Also for the paint question there is one article to check – The right color for your airbrush.

Why I don’t have any graph for compressor question? Well, because it is very difficult to say which one you should buy. There are huge differences on the market on different locations. Also people have different priorities in case of airbrush compressor. Some even recommend not to buy a special airbrush compressor but to choose something bigger like industrial type.

These compressors from my point of view, and not only by me, have one big negative property and it is noise level. Yes they are very, very, very loud. If you can afford to hide this thing somewhere in your basement or garage and just lie down the pipe somewhere far from that place to your working place then I can just recommend it. Go for it!

Other thing if you can’t afford it. Then you have to look for something special. One of very important properties and many people will agree with me is tank to store pressurized air and give your air compressor and yours ears a break. Read more on this topic here.

My own recommendation, especially for people on budget is to build your own airbrush compressor using old compressor from refrigerator. I have written a couple of articles on this topic with step by step instructions. Anyone who is interested in this kind of time spending and love DIY then check diy air compressor and a bit more automated version of diy compressor with switch.

This are only the pillar articles of my blog and I think that just by reading these any airbrush beginner may gain a lot of knowledge I had to search for.

If it is not enough for you check some of our airbrush reviews where I look at some of the best airbrushes on the market.

1. Aztek 7778 Airbrush
2. Harder and Steenbeck Evolution Two In One
3. Harder and Steenbeck Infinity Two in One
4. Iwata Custom Micron C Plus
5. Badger Renegade
6. Paasche Talon
7. Master Airbrush

Basic Airbrush Rules

Also I think that it is a good idea to read some of the basic rules to help you with airbrushing.

Airbrush FAQ

Another article worth checking out is our Airbrush FAQ. This page is still ‘in progress’. That means it is going to grow every time I get a interesting question from my readers.

Airbrush Book


If you are really serious about airbrushing I definitely recommend to check following book – “Classic Airbrush Techniques“. I’ve got this book in my computer and have studied it all. I was not sure about this book before, even tough I had banner in the sidebar, but after I’ve read it I decided that I have to tell all my readers about it and wrote a book review.

airbrush compressor review

Just some time ago I posted my firs compressor review.

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