
Multilayer Stencils

Anyone hungry for stencils? I’ve updated my freebies page with some new, one layer stencils. Whilst preparing new stencils for my celebrity theme I noticed that celebrities look better and show more character if they have more color shades then only two. As I’ve been posting guides for making stencils and making multilayer stencils I have not yet added any of layered stuff to my freebies.

So I created a few of those and decided to tell everyone, not just my subscribers. From now on you can also expect multi-layered stencils on the freebies page. I’m going to continue with the celebrity theme, so if you have someone particular in mind, let me know in comments.

Here is preview.

Vincent Cassel
Michelle Rodriguez
Bruce Willis
Sylvester Stallone
Jim Carey
Ashton Kutcher
Cristian Slater
James Franco
Leonardo DiCaprio
Robert Downey JR

The details of these stencils are more complicated and the whole process is taking a bit more time, so I’m going to spend more time with that. I know that these stencils are not 100% perfect, so I’m going to invest more time into that as well.

Here is the link to one of these stencils. If you’d like to get your hands on the rest of them you need to be a subscriber. It is 100% FREE and I think to ask you to subscribe is the least you can do to appreciate my time I invest into this blog and all these stencils.

I also will appreciate if you share it in your social network (like it, tweet it, give a plus, pin it, digg or stumble it) or leave a comment.

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3 Comments on “Multilayer Stencils”

  • Hello
    I’m just wanting to learn how to Airbrush and make stencils of course I know I’ve got a ways to got . Using stencils seems to be the way to go . Thanks for sharing !

  • awesome

  • Twenty One Pilots

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