Car Airbrush in Photoshop

Imagine that your client wants to see a preview of his car with the motive he has chosen. Many airbrush custom studios are doing this previews of airbrush in photoshop or gimp photo-editors on daily basis. And some of them are using projectors to show customer the real size painted car. I’ve ran couple times into a question about the software used especially for this and questions about making stencils as well…

Real Flames and Skulls Obsession…

Do you remember the first time when someone told you about AIRBRUSH, what associations did you get with that word? To be honest I found it on Internet before anybody mentioned it to me, so I wasn’t confused as I got a lot of the pictures right away. But when one of my friends asked me: “I heard that you are writing a blog, what is it about?” I said “Airbrush“, his reaction was – Hmmm… What? Come again… Airbrush? What is it? Tweet This!

Advanced Guide to Airbrush Paint

airbrush paints

Let’s assume that you have all the equipment that is required for airbrushing. You’ve got airbrush gun and compressor. You also know what you are going to paint and what surface are you going to paint. The only thing missing is proper paint. When you’re starting out you can experiment but I think if you knew something about all the paints available on the market you could save some time and frustration as well.

Talent and Airbrushing?

As I have read a lot of airbrush tutorials and watched many videos I got the feeling that if you want to do airbrush you don’t have to be an artist nor talented at all. All you have to know is how to use airbrush and that’s it.

Airbrushed Toilet Seats

As usual it’s gallery time and as usual the gallery is unusual :). I have found some pictures of airbrushed toilet seats and as it’s unusual to me why not to post it here. Maybe some of you will find it interesting…

Free Airbrush Cleaning Station

When I need to clean my airbrush I usually use some pieces of paper that I don’t need and just spray over them but sometimes I accidentally spray on something I didn’t want to and the result is a big mess. I have heard that out there exist something called cleaning station for airbrush.

50 Skull Stencils (.ai .cdr .eps .jpg)

Here we go again. Another pack of stencils comes from a very good source aerografpro. All skull stencils are stored in separate folders and there is a palette of 4 formats to choose from.

Airbrush by Charles Burdick

Another important name in history of Airbrush apart from Liberty Walkup, Thayer and Chandler or Paasche is Charles Burdick. Charles Burdick came from a family of inventors and pioneers. He worked on various patents and designs throughout his life and is widely attributed with the design of the Airbrush. Following the World Fair he moved to Great Britain where he set up a new airbrush manufacturing company, the Fountain Brush Co., in Clerkenwell Green, London.